💻 Tech Skills
HTML CSS JavaScript Pug SASS Vue.js JQuey plugins -
🛠 Tools
Gulp Webpack Git GitHub NPM Yarn Photoshop Figma Visual Studio Code -
👦 Soft Skills
Organization Analytical Abilities Perseverance Desire to Study -
🔉 Languages
Russian - Native English - A2 / Pre-Intermediate
Work Experience
Assistant Mentor
- Layout of new pages and editing of the layout, adjusting the adaptability of pages for mobile devices, correcting validator errors, eliminating bugs;
- Technical audit of sites and correction of technical aspects of the site in order to improve its interaction with search engine robots (elimination of broken links, editing robots.txt, identification of insufficient quality pages and their correction);
- Code optimization in order to speed up the site (image optimization, reducing the size of the DOM structure, removing unused JS code and CSS styles, working with the semantics of the site code);
- Updating text and graphic content;
- Performing basic SEO optimization work. Changing meta tags, page titles, editing texts, making changes to the site navigation, optimizing commercial factors and implementing them on existing site pages.
- I taught students markup code, HTML semantics and CSS styles, working with Pug and SCSS preprocessors, BEM methodology and BEM naming, JavaScript basics, adaptive layout, basic functionality of working with Git;
- Advised, helped in the preparation of projects for defense;
- I checked the practical tasks of students, reviewed the code, sorted out errors.
Economist Manager
1998 - 2004 | Incomplete higher education
Courses and Certificates
Profession: Web developer. Advanced course in Web Development / VUE
2020 | IT-school “LoftSchool”
Modern JavaScript + Vue on real projects / Practical JavaScript (Advanced level)
2020 | Udemy
Promotion of websites and projects / SEO
2020 | IT-school “LoftSchool”
Web programmer. Creating websites in HTML 5 and CSS 3 / JavaScript
2019 | EC “Specialist” at the Bauman State Technical University of Moscow
Responsive Web Design
JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
2019 | freeCodeCamp
My training pet-projects, test tasks and courses
Training landing page Autumn. Graduation project in the profession of “Web developer”
Test task for the position “ HTML-layout designer”
JS-project (stage1): virtual-piano task. RS School. JavaScript Training/Front-end 2021Q1
My profile on Github: volkovVA, where you can get acquainted with completed projects and tasks. All repositories are described in the readme.